Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Canadians to shell out an average of $1,447 on holiday spending: poll

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Consumers say they'll be digging a little deeper this season, spending an average of $1,447 on holiday expenses, according to a poll by the Retail Council of Canada. In 2006, consumers said they expected to spend $1,310 on holiday gifts, travel, decorations and entertainment. The poll, which surveyed 2,600 participants from Nov. 27 to Nov. 30, found that 94 per cent of Canadians planned on giving gifts, budgeting an average of $733. British Columbians planned to spend the most on presents at $950 while Quebecers expected to spend the least at $552. The poll found men will spend an average of $791 on Christmas shopping, compared to the average of $682 spent by women.
The survey also found 97 per cent of shoppers planned to rely on bricks and mortar stores. The number of shoppers who planned to do some shopping online has increased to 43 per cent, up five per cent from last year. About 29 per cent of Canadians planned to buy cash-loaded gift cards, representing a jump of 10 per cent over the past two years, according to the poll.
Everyone is not getting the gift, and we should be happy that things that we have. Many people are dying in the other side of the planet, and we are spending thousand of money buying gifts for us. I hope people who has more things than others would share little bit of their stuffs. I hope everyone have great wonderful holidays.

Deadly ice storm grips U.S. Midwest

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A massive winter storm already blamed for the deaths of at least 24 people in the U.S. Midwest spread north Tuesday, bringing more ice and widespread power outages to the region. Officials in Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma have declared states of emergency. About 2½ centimetres of ice are expected to coat parts of Iowa, followed by up to 13 centimetres of sleet and snow. As much as three centimetres of ice had already accumulated on trees, power lines, streets and car windshields Monday in parts of Oklahoma.
Tens of thousands of students stayed home in Wisconsin and Iowa, while kids across most of Oklahoma and the Kansas City, Mo., area were at home for the second day in a row.More than 600,000 customers in Oklahoma were still in the dark Tuesday after power lines throughout the state were downed by heavy ice and branches. It was the largest power outage in the state's history.

I hope US is would be well prepared for it, I think they do. This would be closed down the hole mid east cities, but citizens of US would be okay, and it will be moved other way. I don’t want it to come to Canada.

Gunman kills 8 in Nebraska, then turns gun on himself

Police have confirmed nine people are dead after a young man opened fire in a busy mall in Omaha, Neb., on Wednesday. The shooter, brandishing a rifle, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after killing eight people in the busy shopping centre, Omaha police said. Witnesses said he was firing at his victims below from a third-floor balcony. Police identified the gunman as Robert A. Hawkins, 19, of Bellevue, Neb. Authorities recovered an SKS assault rifle from the scene.

A law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Omaha television station KETV that a family friend found a suicide note at the home where Hawkins was staying. The note referenced the young man's wish to "go out in style," KETV reported. Omaha police Sgt. Teresa Negron told reporters the shootings had ended by the time officers responded six minutes later to a 911 call from the Westroads Mall, located in an affluent neighbourhood on the city's west side.

Soon afterward, people emerged from the mall with their hands raised in the air, some still clutching shopping bags. Screams broke out and shoppers and employees ran for their lives when the shooting began. Some people reportedly barricaded themselves in dressing rooms and prayed.

I often hear that guns shock in the Canada around the Canada. I felt that Canada is not safest country anymore. My parent decided to send Canada for study, because Canada is one of the most safest country, and one of the best eduction in the World, but I heard that these kind of new, I knew Canada is not safest ocuntry in the world. I sad that I heard this new, and I hope this wouldn’t be happen anymore; governent should jair the gun in the country.

Divorce bad for the environment, researchers say

Soaring divorce rates around the globe are taking a toll on the environment, American researchers suggested in a study released Monday. Michigan State University researcher Jianguo "Jack" Liu and his assistant Eunice Yu said the increasing number of divorces leads to more households with fewer people and greater consumption of water and energy. They said housing units require space, construction materials and fuel to heat and cool, regardless of the number of inhabitants.

For example, in the United States in 2005, divorced households consumed an extra 73 billion kilowatt hours of electricity and 627 billion gallons of water. An additional 38 million extra rooms required heating and lighting that same year due to divorced households. That costs $6.9 billion US in extra utility costs per year, Liu said, plus an added $3.6 billion for water, in addition to other costs such as land use.

"A married household actually uses resources more efficiently than a divorced household," Liu said. He said that in cohabitating households, people will watch the same television, share the air conditioning and heat and use the same refrigerator, all things that use energy at a regularly stable rate regardless of the number of uses.

It seems funny, but I think it is reasonable, and important concept. If people are divorced then, the environment would be harmful, but it is their choice. As a reaseraching that singles have to cook, and use more electircity then who are married. If people can’t live together then, they should seperate away from each others. Before get merried, people should think theirselve to make a right choice; whether you are living with person who really loves you, and you really loves to.

Atlanta boys, ages 8 and 9, charged in rape of girl, 11

Three boys, ages 8 and 9, were being held Monday in a detention centre on charges of kidnapping and raping an 11-year-old girl near a suburban apartment complex, officials said. The alleged attack happened Thursday and the girl's mother reported it to authorities Sunday, Acworth police Capt. Wayne Dennard said.
The three boys — an eight-year-old and two nine-year-olds — were charged with rape, kidnapping, false imprisonment and sexual assault, Dennard said. They were due in juvenile court Monday afternoon. Their names were being withheld because of their ages.
"The victim said they were playing outdoors and the girl was forced into a wooded area where she was sexually assaulted, where one of the boys raped her," Dennard told the Associated Press.
Acworth police Chief Mike Wilkie said one of the boys was accused of threatening to hit the girl with a rock before the alleged assault. Wilkie also said the investigation is "far from over," and investigators are looking into claims that after the alleged attack, the girl talked about it with her friends at a slumber party. The father of the eight-year-old boy said his son had been falsely accused and had not had sex with the girl.
I was shocked when I saw this news, I couldn’t believe. Ages 8 and 9 are the grade 2, or grade 3 student are kids. They probablly don’t know what’s going on him.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Quebec boy dies after schoolyard shoving match

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A 12-year-old boy died Monday morning after he was hit by a girl during morning recess at a Laurentians-area school north of Montreal, police said. Provincial police said the children were arguing in the schoolyard in Saint-Eustache and insulting each other when the quarrel escalated into a shoving match. The 11-year-old girl allegedly punched the boy in the chest. The boy, who was in Grade 6, then collapsed, according to eyewitness reports.

He was taken to hospital unconscious and died later. The girl has been placed in the care of youth protection officials. Officials at the Horizon-Soleil school said that neither of the two students had a history of violence, but noted that the boy who died was known by staff to have cardiac problems stemming from heart arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat. Still, the boy was reportedly healthy enough to participate in gym class.

This is very sad, and mystery news, because 13 years old died after hit by a girl during morning recess. Even boy got hit by chest, and the boy wouldn’t be died, because of it. As a mention in a summary, I think boy died, because of the his unknown cardiac problems or an irregular heartbeat and school said that neither of the two studnets had a history of violence. By the this news, we always should not allow school vilolence, or any viloence in the our society.

Space shuttle Discovery lands in Florida

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The space shuttle Discovery touched down at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., at 1:02 p.m. ET Wednesday afternoon, concluding a 15-day mission to the International Space Station that saw the crew repair a ripped solar wing and complete four spacewalks. The shuttle landed on Runway 33, making a right overhead turn as it approached the landing facility.
Discovery's return to Earth was the first coast-to-coast re-entry by a space shuttle since the destruction of Columbia over Texas in 2003. The landing path started over British Columbia then cut diagonally east over the Great Plains and several southern U.S. states.

The descent into orbit began at 11:59 a.m. ET, when shuttle commander Pam Melroy and pilot George Zamka fired the jets for about two minutes to slow the vehicle. At 12:30, the shuttle encountered the effects of the atmosphere, a point called "entry interface," and five minutes later it began a series of rolls to help it slow down and bleed off excess energy.
The original landing plan called for a pre-dawn touchdown in Florida with a flight over Central America and the Caribbean. However, crew fatigue after the long and busy mission, which began Oct. 23, led NASA to change plans.

US is spenting billions dallars on the space ship, but I don’t know it would be help for the our future or not. There are people are dying, because they could eat anything for theirsevels on the other side of the planet, but we are spenting billions money on the space suttle. This would be helpful, but right now, many people require the helps, and this money can help many people’s lives. This is our tax.(Americans.) It is intreasitng topics to discuss.

Bush calls on Musharraf to 'restore democracy'

Monday, November 5, 2007

U.S. President George W. Bush is calling on Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf to hold elections and relinquish his army post following the arrest of hundreds of people under the state of emergency crackdown.

"Our hope is that he will restore democracy as quickly as possible," Bush said. But Bush would not say what the ramifications would be if Musharraf didn't heed the president's words. But Bush, who considers Pakistan a key ally in Washington's war on terror, praised Musharraf for being a strong fighter against extremists and radicals.

Bush's comments come as opposition groups in Pakistan claim up to 3,500 people have been arrested under the state of emergency crackdown imposed by Musharraf. The U.S. government urged Musharraf to release those arrested and return to a constitutional path.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said Monday the U.S. government was "deeply disturbed" by Musharraf's imposition of emergency rule on Saturday, Reuters reported.

Now Canadian dollar is over $1.07 in U.S dollar. U.S is thinking that how much the war costs to them, and their economic are suffering because of it. This Bush’s speech is to American citizens to feel okay, because their economics are going down, and they have hard time, so I think we will see the U.S government’s actions. If America would spent less on military, their economics will recover soon. It is also important thing to care U.S to care middle east countries, but this is causing negative effect on to them. This is question for them.


Thursday, November 1

ATKA THE WOLF, It sounds like a fairy tale: a meeting with a wolf. But this one doesn't menace little pigs or impersonate grandmothers. She is Atka, an Arctic gray wolf from the New York Wolf Conservation Center, and she will visit the Staten Island Zoo for a program on the history and conservation of wolves. At noon and 2 p.m., 614 Broadway, West Brighton,

CHILDREN'S PHOTOGRAPHY FROM THE MIDDLE EAST AND MALI Children are often as imaginative and original behind the camera as they are in front of it. Two new exhibitions showcase their views of their cultures, captured in prints. ''Beyond the Wall: The Jerusalem Project,'' at the JCC in Manhattan, features the work of 24 Jewish and Muslim residents of Jerusalem, ages 8 to 12, who took separate photography classes with the organization Kids With Cameras and then met to share their portfolios.

HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH FESTIVAL (Tomorrow and Sunday) Latin America comes to the Upper West Side in this celebration at the Children's Museum of Manhattan, geared to visitors 5 and older. Tomorrow at 2, 3 and 4 p.m. they can learn about maracas and make a pair of their own. On Sunday at the same hours they can paint artworks about nature, working with the artist Turizzo, whose pieces are inspired by the Latin American landscape and people. And on Sunday at 2 and 3 p.m. everyone is invited to play percussion and dance to salsa with Los Calientes. The Tisch Building, 212 West 83rd Street, (212) 721-1223, Free with admission: $9; $6 for 65+; free for members and under 1.

In civics class, we are knowing about the being as global citizens, and I think this is really interesting concept. Our next project is local charity, and we have to find the charity, and research on them, but I didn’t realized that how much charities are in the Aurora regions, and many of them required helps from others. We could help others, and this thing is good thing to do as global citizens, and it is our duties.

Girl, 3, lone survivor of Golden plane crash

Tuesday, October 30,2007

A three year old girl is recovering in an Alberta hospital after search and rescue teams found her strapped into a car seat in the wreckage of a small plane that crashed near Golden, B.C. Kate Williams, the only survivor among the three passengers, was listed in good, stable condition Monday at Alberta’s Children’s Hospital in Calgary.
The girl’s grandfather, Allen Williams, 65, was killed in the crash along with his colleague, Steven T. Sutton, 49.

Williams was the CEO of a well know Edmonton engineering firm and Sutton was the firm’s chief financial officer. They were returning from a weekend business retreat in Golden to Edmonton, where they both lived.

Search and rescue crews the wreckage of the Cessna 172 Sunday evening and the little girl was airlifted to the Golden Hospitals. She was admitted to the Alberta Children’s Hospital Monday afternoon and will be kept overnight under observation.

Search and rescue crews said the car seat Kate was strapped into likely saved her life, withstanding the impact of the crash.

Wendy Copper, a friend and co-worker of Williams, said he adored his grandchildren and covered his desk with their photos.

This is sad news. I think the three years would not be okay, but of course, their family would care her with loves. I wish she will be okay. She will remember the crash when she grows up, and sorrows, but with the parent’s love, she will be same as others. I am praying for the two passengers who were died, and I don’t want to hear this kind of news. We should always be careful during driving a car.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Google Maps adds locator feature for cellphones

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Google Inc. announced on Wednesday a new feature of its mapping application for mobile phones that lets users to find their location without the satellite technology.

The technology called “my location,” is part of the internet search company’s version 2.0 of Google Map, released in a beta edition on Wednesday. The technology behind the service is not new. When cellular phones are searching for reception, they send “pings” or electronic signals that can be picked up by as many as six cell phone towers, and services already exist that can record those pings and use them to create a three-dimensional map of where the signals originated. Google’s entrance into the technology, however, is likely to have a broader impact because of the ubiquity of the company’s Google Maps application and because the company has taken a more active interest in mobile applications. The company said the services is available on most smart phones.

I think this technology has advantages, disadvantages. For advantages, people could find that where they are, and find ways. Families could find out the where their children, or parent using “my location”. This could be disadvantages for us, because of the social lives. This technologies could find out where people are in specific locations, so this would be bad for some people like famous people.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

51% of Afghans feeling good about country's direction: poll

Tuesday, October 18, 2007

A new poll of nearly 1,600 Afghans shows the majority feel safer than they did five years ago, and approve of the direction their country is taking, thanks to the presence of international security forces from countries such as Canada.

Results from the Environics Research poll, conducted in partnership with the CBC, shows 60 per cent of Afghans surveyed believed the presence of the foreign troops has been good for their country. As well, they said they feel their country is headed in the right direction, compared to 28 percent who responded that it’s headed in the wrong direction.

They also said their lives are better than they were five years ago. Citing increased security, as well as better roads and school were built. Some of those who feel they are worse off say they don’t feel safe in the face of continuing violence.

Sending troops is not treating their country, and it is helping their country. Some of the Korean army sent to Afghans to help them to lead right way. My country Korea was same situation in the 1950’s by American help. By U.N., and U.S. helps, we can develop our country. I think Afghans had hard time, and a lot of bad things happen in the Afghans last 5 years, but the country is leading right way for Afghans.

Libya joins UN Security Council

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Libya is a former pariah state condemned by the U.S. as a sponsor of terrorism. They won a seat on the United Nations Security Council Tuesday without opposition from the Bush administration.

They said the United States should have done more to prevent Libya from getting a seat on the UN’s most powerful body.

The U.S decision not to support a rival African country for the seat angered families of victims of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland-some of whom watched the vote in the UN General Assembly from visitors gallery.

Libya was blamed for the Lockerbie bombing as well as a West Berlin disco bombing that killed two Americans soldiers in 1986. The U.S. accused the country of sponsoring terrorist groups from the Irish Republican Army to Palestinian factions and of undermining pro-Western governments in Africa.

Signing Libya into United Nations, I hope some peace also would be bring to World. All the nations should keep peace with other nations together, there no wars, racisms, and killing, or dying. Last few years, there were disaster, people killed by wars, and terror, and now it is time to recover it.

Gore: Nobel Prize win shows climate change a 'planetary emergency'

Friday, October 12, 2007

Former U.S. vice-president, and 2007 Novel Peace Prize winner Al Gore said he will use recognition of winning the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize to “change the world’s consciousness” about the challenges of global warming. He told reporters Friday in Palo Alto, “I will accept this award on behalf of all of three who have been working so long and so hard to try and get the message out about this planetary emergency”

The Norwegian Noble Committee announced the award Friday in Oslo, saying in a written statement that Gore and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have worked tirelessly “to disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change and lay the foundations for the measures that are need to counteract such change.” He will donate his half of the $1.5 million US prize to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a non-profit organization devoted to conveying the urgency of solving the climate crisis. Gore had made headlines as a vocal environmentalist in recent years, spreading the word about climate change through his public lectures, his book and his Academy Award-winning documenrty An Inconvenient Truth.

The former U.S. presidential candidate did not take questions from reporters following his brief statement, which could fuel speculation of a possible 2008 white House run amid several “Draft Gore” campaigns circulating in the Democratic party ranks. I can’t go inside of Gore’s mind, and find out that he is doing for next presidential candidate, or not, but I think this is really important thing to do. Many people knows about danger about the global warming, but anyone didn’t take action to prevent it, but Gore did it. This is why he is getting popular from citizens from U.S, and this would be affect next presidential candidate. Gore is also amazing man that he will spent his prize on environment, and our human future.

Boy's Iranian parents get preliminary OK to stay in Canada

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A pair of Iranian refugee who spent six week in a Texas detention centre with their Canadian born luckily have been granted “approval in principle” to stay in Canada. Following lawyer Andrew Brouwer said the parent of 10 years old Kevin Youdkhani received approval on Monday for permanent resident status based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. The couple lived in Canada for 10 years, during which time they had a child, before being denied refugee status and deported to Iran in December 2005.
After weeks in the holding centre, Kevin sent a letter written in crayon to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, pleading to be allowed to come home.

This news is great news. Canadian governments was nice to allowing Iranian refugee to come to Canada. They are people whose are no place to stay. We should give warm welcome to them. Last 10 years, I think they had hard time. I can understand little bit of their feelings, because I came from Korea. When first time, I came to Canada, I had language problems, missing my country, and especially families. Canada is wonderful country, and many warm mined people are living this country, but for immigrants, it is not easy to them to settle, especially they are refugee. Once again, I think this is wonderful news.

More children's toys recalled for unsafe lead levels

Wednessday, September 26, 2007

The U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission announced on today that more Children toy manufactured in China are being recalled because they contain
unsafe levels of lead.

The Following recall toys in Canada:

-Knights of the Sword toys, distributed by Illinois-based RC2 Corp.
-Happy Giddy Gardening Tools, imported by Minneapolis-based Target.
-Guidecraft Inc. Children's Puppet Theaters, manufactured by N.J.-based Guidecraft Inc.

High amout of lead can really affect human especailly little kids. It can harm the nervous system, kidneys and other major organs. Anemia, a decline in red blood cells, can occur as well as damage to the nervous system that may impair mental function. At wort, it can kill people. On August. 1, Mattel recalled about 1.5 million preschool toys for high lead levels. The company already issued a second, larger recall of more than 18 million toys on Aug. 14.

Think about toys which is harmful, and your childern is playing it. I hope company, and manufacutre should think about kids, and make toys after certain tests. There are possibity that some of the harmful toys alread delievered to childens, and playing dagernous harmful lead which can take childer’s life, so I hope these things would not going to happen in the future. I am also hoping that childern can play safe toys.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mom upset after son's photos scalped from website

Monday, Sept 24, 2007

A Winnipeg mom was shocked, because she found pictures of her sons in Internet. Parents around the world are banding together to take leagal action the site. The use of the photos may be creepy, but under U.S laws, they're not pornographic and therefore not illegal. The company thought that everything on Flickr was in the public domain, but has now removed the pictures, said spokesman Greg Burch. "There was no intent to cause harm or concern." "I feel sick to my stomach. I just felt queasy and started crying," Lisa Funk said after finding her son had been renamed and given a bogus personality using pictures thagt she had posted on

In my opinion, website where Lisa Funk son's pictures posted, it is not their problem, because someone who post their stuffs on Internet means that they would like to share their picture with other people. It might be sad to parent that their son is renamed and given a bogus personality using pictures, but they should have to know that they have kind of risks, so next time, people should concern about any pictures before they post the internet.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

$1 Cdn = $1 US

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Canada dallar reached with the US dallars on the first time since November 1976. The Bank of Canada said the canadian daller almost reached $1.0003 US on exchange markets, but as later a day it slipped to just under US $1 dallar. Steve. The directer of foregin exchange at Scotia Capital Steve Butler siad, "I still think the fundamentals are so strong right now that we will see Canada continues to climb.

For Canada's economy, there are positive, and negative effects on this situation. Many Canadians will going to U.S, and spent their money, because Canadian dollars is almost same as US, and US products are cheaper compare to Canada. For example, Canadians who lives in the boundaries between Canada, and US, would go over the US, buy car fuels. Negative effect of Canadian dallar is equal to American dallar is that people is not going to buy Canadian market's product, so in Canada, outcome is going to be more than income next few months, or years until US dallars is going back.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

World's oldest man turns 112

Tuesday, September 18,2007

Tomoji Tanabe is a men marked his 112th birth day Tuesday and told well-wishers in southern Japan he wants to celebrate an infinite number of additional ones. He was born Sept 18, 1895, took world's oldest living man last January after the death of Emiliano Mercado Toro, of Puerto Rico, who at 115 was then the oldest human. "I want to live forever. I don't want to die, "Tanabe was quoted as saying by Kyodo news agency. Japan is one of the rapidly aging countries, there were 32, 295 centenarians as of Spet. 1, according to the Health Ministry. The number of people aged 100 and over has almost quadruped in the past 10 years.

When I was reading this article, I was jealous, because of Japan. Japanese is one of the rapidly aging countries as mention in News, and Japan’s life expectancy rate was at 81.25 years of age as of 2006, and still growing. Canada’s life expectancy is about same as Japan, but Korea is still 70’s. Korea has many hospitals, but it is still not great as Japan, or Canada. I hope Korea’s life expectancy rate would become 80’s soon, because I am Korean.
I amazed that human can live more than one hundred, and twelve years. He lived more than century, and I also amazed that he still wants to live forever. If I was him, I would miss my fiends, and families, because they already went to haven.

Monday, September 17, 2007

France: Prepare for war over Iran

Mon September 17, 2007

France Minister Benernard Kouchner warned Sunday that the world should prepare for war if Iran obtains nuclear weapons and said European leaders were thinking their own economic sensations against the Islamic country. Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, speaking on RTL radio, called for "more effective sanctions" against for "more effective sanctions against Iran if it continues to resist the demands to suspend uranium enrichment. Iran currently has the ability to enrich small amounts of uranium for nuclear fuel but still nowhere near enough to power a nuclear plant, less create a weapon.

I think countries like U.S needs to help Iran from struggling with war for peace, because Iran requires helps from other strong countries. Now Iran is struggling in their religions, and people are fighting about it. They have abilities to make a nuclear, so other countries should care about it, because it is dangerous. One nuclear can destroy continents. Most important things is we have to solve this problem without violence, and killings. We already kill enough people from Iraq war, and this is not happen again for our futures.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tsunami warning lifted after 4th quake in Indonesia

Indonesia lifted a tsunami warning issued After another strong earthquake rocked Indonesia Thursday. In 24 hours, four earthquakes have now hit Indonesia, killing least nine people, and sending fleeing to high ground in fear of Tsunamis. The latest tremor struck Sumatra island, in western Indonesia, on Thursday. It was 6.8 in magnitude, according to preliminary reports. Indonesia's meteorology agency initially issued a tsunami warning, but lifted it a few hours later.
Hundred of homes were damaged by the earthquakes, but the death toll has so far remained low. In December 2004 More than 230,000 people in 12 countries were killed by the wave and its aftermath, including 160,000 in western Indonesia.

I think many people could save from a tsunami, because geologist predicted. In December, 2004, it was very horrible, and now in the Would, there are no safe zone.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bin Laden is 'virtually important,' Bush adviser says

Monday, September 10/2007

President Bush's homeland security said Osama bin Laden is "virtually impotent". Frances Townsend siad Osama bin Lande is a man on the in cave who is virually impotent other then his ability to get these message on Sunday on CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer". Townsend also said the U.S is talking the tape "very seriously" and is piecing through if for clues, but the al Qaeda leader is not known to have ever used a tape "to trigger any operational activity".

The video tape recently made by, and bin Laden argues United States to "embrace Islam" as a way to end war in Iraq, but it does not contains no overt threats toward U.S. However in the tape, bin Laden mentioned about his "side" continuing" to escalate the killing and fighting against you. This is our duty and our brothers are carring it out, and I ask God to grant them resolve and victory". Townsend siad analyst are taking care to exmane all the aspects of the tape. Democrats charged the videotape shows Bush took his eye off al Qaeda by invading Iraq.

In my opinion, I hope there no more war between countries, and everyone is living this world peacefully. bin Laden is felt weaker, but anyone doesn't know his inside, so U.S, and other countries should protect their countries. I think any where around safer than others, and I want to live better world, and we have to work on it.