Thursday, October 25, 2007

Boy's Iranian parents get preliminary OK to stay in Canada

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A pair of Iranian refugee who spent six week in a Texas detention centre with their Canadian born luckily have been granted “approval in principle” to stay in Canada. Following lawyer Andrew Brouwer said the parent of 10 years old Kevin Youdkhani received approval on Monday for permanent resident status based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. The couple lived in Canada for 10 years, during which time they had a child, before being denied refugee status and deported to Iran in December 2005.
After weeks in the holding centre, Kevin sent a letter written in crayon to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, pleading to be allowed to come home.

This news is great news. Canadian governments was nice to allowing Iranian refugee to come to Canada. They are people whose are no place to stay. We should give warm welcome to them. Last 10 years, I think they had hard time. I can understand little bit of their feelings, because I came from Korea. When first time, I came to Canada, I had language problems, missing my country, and especially families. Canada is wonderful country, and many warm mined people are living this country, but for immigrants, it is not easy to them to settle, especially they are refugee. Once again, I think this is wonderful news.

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