Thursday, October 25, 2007

Gore: Nobel Prize win shows climate change a 'planetary emergency'

Friday, October 12, 2007

Former U.S. vice-president, and 2007 Novel Peace Prize winner Al Gore said he will use recognition of winning the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize to “change the world’s consciousness” about the challenges of global warming. He told reporters Friday in Palo Alto, “I will accept this award on behalf of all of three who have been working so long and so hard to try and get the message out about this planetary emergency”

The Norwegian Noble Committee announced the award Friday in Oslo, saying in a written statement that Gore and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have worked tirelessly “to disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change and lay the foundations for the measures that are need to counteract such change.” He will donate his half of the $1.5 million US prize to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a non-profit organization devoted to conveying the urgency of solving the climate crisis. Gore had made headlines as a vocal environmentalist in recent years, spreading the word about climate change through his public lectures, his book and his Academy Award-winning documenrty An Inconvenient Truth.

The former U.S. presidential candidate did not take questions from reporters following his brief statement, which could fuel speculation of a possible 2008 white House run amid several “Draft Gore” campaigns circulating in the Democratic party ranks. I can’t go inside of Gore’s mind, and find out that he is doing for next presidential candidate, or not, but I think this is really important thing to do. Many people knows about danger about the global warming, but anyone didn’t take action to prevent it, but Gore did it. This is why he is getting popular from citizens from U.S, and this would be affect next presidential candidate. Gore is also amazing man that he will spent his prize on environment, and our human future.

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