Thursday, October 25, 2007

Libya joins UN Security Council

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Libya is a former pariah state condemned by the U.S. as a sponsor of terrorism. They won a seat on the United Nations Security Council Tuesday without opposition from the Bush administration.

They said the United States should have done more to prevent Libya from getting a seat on the UN’s most powerful body.

The U.S decision not to support a rival African country for the seat angered families of victims of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland-some of whom watched the vote in the UN General Assembly from visitors gallery.

Libya was blamed for the Lockerbie bombing as well as a West Berlin disco bombing that killed two Americans soldiers in 1986. The U.S. accused the country of sponsoring terrorist groups from the Irish Republican Army to Palestinian factions and of undermining pro-Western governments in Africa.

Signing Libya into United Nations, I hope some peace also would be bring to World. All the nations should keep peace with other nations together, there no wars, racisms, and killing, or dying. Last few years, there were disaster, people killed by wars, and terror, and now it is time to recover it.

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