Monday, September 24, 2007

Mom upset after son's photos scalped from website

Monday, Sept 24, 2007

A Winnipeg mom was shocked, because she found pictures of her sons in Internet. Parents around the world are banding together to take leagal action the site. The use of the photos may be creepy, but under U.S laws, they're not pornographic and therefore not illegal. The company thought that everything on Flickr was in the public domain, but has now removed the pictures, said spokesman Greg Burch. "There was no intent to cause harm or concern." "I feel sick to my stomach. I just felt queasy and started crying," Lisa Funk said after finding her son had been renamed and given a bogus personality using pictures thagt she had posted on

In my opinion, website where Lisa Funk son's pictures posted, it is not their problem, because someone who post their stuffs on Internet means that they would like to share their picture with other people. It might be sad to parent that their son is renamed and given a bogus personality using pictures, but they should have to know that they have kind of risks, so next time, people should concern about any pictures before they post the internet.

1 comment:

John C. Lee said...

It is kind of dumb that mom cried because someone posted her baby on the Internet. I don't think it's that important