Monday, September 17, 2007

France: Prepare for war over Iran

Mon September 17, 2007

France Minister Benernard Kouchner warned Sunday that the world should prepare for war if Iran obtains nuclear weapons and said European leaders were thinking their own economic sensations against the Islamic country. Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, speaking on RTL radio, called for "more effective sanctions" against for "more effective sanctions against Iran if it continues to resist the demands to suspend uranium enrichment. Iran currently has the ability to enrich small amounts of uranium for nuclear fuel but still nowhere near enough to power a nuclear plant, less create a weapon.

I think countries like U.S needs to help Iran from struggling with war for peace, because Iran requires helps from other strong countries. Now Iran is struggling in their religions, and people are fighting about it. They have abilities to make a nuclear, so other countries should care about it, because it is dangerous. One nuclear can destroy continents. Most important things is we have to solve this problem without violence, and killings. We already kill enough people from Iraq war, and this is not happen again for our futures.

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