Tuesday, September 18, 2007

World's oldest man turns 112

Tuesday, September 18,2007

Tomoji Tanabe is a men marked his 112th birth day Tuesday and told well-wishers in southern Japan he wants to celebrate an infinite number of additional ones. He was born Sept 18, 1895, took world's oldest living man last January after the death of Emiliano Mercado Toro, of Puerto Rico, who at 115 was then the oldest human. "I want to live forever. I don't want to die, "Tanabe was quoted as saying by Kyodo news agency. Japan is one of the rapidly aging countries, there were 32, 295 centenarians as of Spet. 1, according to the Health Ministry. The number of people aged 100 and over has almost quadruped in the past 10 years.

When I was reading this article, I was jealous, because of Japan. Japanese is one of the rapidly aging countries as mention in News, and Japan’s life expectancy rate was at 81.25 years of age as of 2006, and still growing. Canada’s life expectancy is about same as Japan, but Korea is still 70’s. Korea has many hospitals, but it is still not great as Japan, or Canada. I hope Korea’s life expectancy rate would become 80’s soon, because I am Korean.
I amazed that human can live more than one hundred, and twelve years. He lived more than century, and I also amazed that he still wants to live forever. If I was him, I would miss my fiends, and families, because they already went to haven.

1 comment:

Nico Alexander Fattore said...

I think that it is amazing on how a person can live for over a century. The man must have seen so many things in his life time like the great war, technology evolving etc. What is amazing is that the life expectancy of countries are getting bigger and bigger... I won't be suprised if our children's children's life expectancy has reached over 100