Monday, September 10, 2007

Bin Laden is 'virtually important,' Bush adviser says

Monday, September 10/2007

President Bush's homeland security said Osama bin Laden is "virtually impotent". Frances Townsend siad Osama bin Lande is a man on the in cave who is virually impotent other then his ability to get these message on Sunday on CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer". Townsend also said the U.S is talking the tape "very seriously" and is piecing through if for clues, but the al Qaeda leader is not known to have ever used a tape "to trigger any operational activity".

The video tape recently made by, and bin Laden argues United States to "embrace Islam" as a way to end war in Iraq, but it does not contains no overt threats toward U.S. However in the tape, bin Laden mentioned about his "side" continuing" to escalate the killing and fighting against you. This is our duty and our brothers are carring it out, and I ask God to grant them resolve and victory". Townsend siad analyst are taking care to exmane all the aspects of the tape. Democrats charged the videotape shows Bush took his eye off al Qaeda by invading Iraq.

In my opinion, I hope there no more war between countries, and everyone is living this world peacefully. bin Laden is felt weaker, but anyone doesn't know his inside, so U.S, and other countries should protect their countries. I think any where around safer than others, and I want to live better world, and we have to work on it.

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