Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Canadians to shell out an average of $1,447 on holiday spending: poll

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Consumers say they'll be digging a little deeper this season, spending an average of $1,447 on holiday expenses, according to a poll by the Retail Council of Canada. In 2006, consumers said they expected to spend $1,310 on holiday gifts, travel, decorations and entertainment. The poll, which surveyed 2,600 participants from Nov. 27 to Nov. 30, found that 94 per cent of Canadians planned on giving gifts, budgeting an average of $733. British Columbians planned to spend the most on presents at $950 while Quebecers expected to spend the least at $552. The poll found men will spend an average of $791 on Christmas shopping, compared to the average of $682 spent by women.
The survey also found 97 per cent of shoppers planned to rely on bricks and mortar stores. The number of shoppers who planned to do some shopping online has increased to 43 per cent, up five per cent from last year. About 29 per cent of Canadians planned to buy cash-loaded gift cards, representing a jump of 10 per cent over the past two years, according to the poll.
Everyone is not getting the gift, and we should be happy that things that we have. Many people are dying in the other side of the planet, and we are spending thousand of money buying gifts for us. I hope people who has more things than others would share little bit of their stuffs. I hope everyone have great wonderful holidays.

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