Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bush calls on Musharraf to 'restore democracy'

Monday, November 5, 2007

U.S. President George W. Bush is calling on Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf to hold elections and relinquish his army post following the arrest of hundreds of people under the state of emergency crackdown.

"Our hope is that he will restore democracy as quickly as possible," Bush said. But Bush would not say what the ramifications would be if Musharraf didn't heed the president's words. But Bush, who considers Pakistan a key ally in Washington's war on terror, praised Musharraf for being a strong fighter against extremists and radicals.

Bush's comments come as opposition groups in Pakistan claim up to 3,500 people have been arrested under the state of emergency crackdown imposed by Musharraf. The U.S. government urged Musharraf to release those arrested and return to a constitutional path.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said Monday the U.S. government was "deeply disturbed" by Musharraf's imposition of emergency rule on Saturday, Reuters reported.

Now Canadian dollar is over $1.07 in U.S dollar. U.S is thinking that how much the war costs to them, and their economic are suffering because of it. This Bush’s speech is to American citizens to feel okay, because their economics are going down, and they have hard time, so I think we will see the U.S government’s actions. If America would spent less on military, their economics will recover soon. It is also important thing to care U.S to care middle east countries, but this is causing negative effect on to them. This is question for them.

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