Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Divorce bad for the environment, researchers say

Soaring divorce rates around the globe are taking a toll on the environment, American researchers suggested in a study released Monday. Michigan State University researcher Jianguo "Jack" Liu and his assistant Eunice Yu said the increasing number of divorces leads to more households with fewer people and greater consumption of water and energy. They said housing units require space, construction materials and fuel to heat and cool, regardless of the number of inhabitants.

For example, in the United States in 2005, divorced households consumed an extra 73 billion kilowatt hours of electricity and 627 billion gallons of water. An additional 38 million extra rooms required heating and lighting that same year due to divorced households. That costs $6.9 billion US in extra utility costs per year, Liu said, plus an added $3.6 billion for water, in addition to other costs such as land use.

"A married household actually uses resources more efficiently than a divorced household," Liu said. He said that in cohabitating households, people will watch the same television, share the air conditioning and heat and use the same refrigerator, all things that use energy at a regularly stable rate regardless of the number of uses.

It seems funny, but I think it is reasonable, and important concept. If people are divorced then, the environment would be harmful, but it is their choice. As a reaseraching that singles have to cook, and use more electircity then who are married. If people can’t live together then, they should seperate away from each others. Before get merried, people should think theirselve to make a right choice; whether you are living with person who really loves you, and you really loves to.

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