Monday, September 24, 2007

Mom upset after son's photos scalped from website

Monday, Sept 24, 2007

A Winnipeg mom was shocked, because she found pictures of her sons in Internet. Parents around the world are banding together to take leagal action the site. The use of the photos may be creepy, but under U.S laws, they're not pornographic and therefore not illegal. The company thought that everything on Flickr was in the public domain, but has now removed the pictures, said spokesman Greg Burch. "There was no intent to cause harm or concern." "I feel sick to my stomach. I just felt queasy and started crying," Lisa Funk said after finding her son had been renamed and given a bogus personality using pictures thagt she had posted on

In my opinion, website where Lisa Funk son's pictures posted, it is not their problem, because someone who post their stuffs on Internet means that they would like to share their picture with other people. It might be sad to parent that their son is renamed and given a bogus personality using pictures, but they should have to know that they have kind of risks, so next time, people should concern about any pictures before they post the internet.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

$1 Cdn = $1 US

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Canada dallar reached with the US dallars on the first time since November 1976. The Bank of Canada said the canadian daller almost reached $1.0003 US on exchange markets, but as later a day it slipped to just under US $1 dallar. Steve. The directer of foregin exchange at Scotia Capital Steve Butler siad, "I still think the fundamentals are so strong right now that we will see Canada continues to climb.

For Canada's economy, there are positive, and negative effects on this situation. Many Canadians will going to U.S, and spent their money, because Canadian dollars is almost same as US, and US products are cheaper compare to Canada. For example, Canadians who lives in the boundaries between Canada, and US, would go over the US, buy car fuels. Negative effect of Canadian dallar is equal to American dallar is that people is not going to buy Canadian market's product, so in Canada, outcome is going to be more than income next few months, or years until US dallars is going back.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

World's oldest man turns 112

Tuesday, September 18,2007

Tomoji Tanabe is a men marked his 112th birth day Tuesday and told well-wishers in southern Japan he wants to celebrate an infinite number of additional ones. He was born Sept 18, 1895, took world's oldest living man last January after the death of Emiliano Mercado Toro, of Puerto Rico, who at 115 was then the oldest human. "I want to live forever. I don't want to die, "Tanabe was quoted as saying by Kyodo news agency. Japan is one of the rapidly aging countries, there were 32, 295 centenarians as of Spet. 1, according to the Health Ministry. The number of people aged 100 and over has almost quadruped in the past 10 years.

When I was reading this article, I was jealous, because of Japan. Japanese is one of the rapidly aging countries as mention in News, and Japan’s life expectancy rate was at 81.25 years of age as of 2006, and still growing. Canada’s life expectancy is about same as Japan, but Korea is still 70’s. Korea has many hospitals, but it is still not great as Japan, or Canada. I hope Korea’s life expectancy rate would become 80’s soon, because I am Korean.
I amazed that human can live more than one hundred, and twelve years. He lived more than century, and I also amazed that he still wants to live forever. If I was him, I would miss my fiends, and families, because they already went to haven.

Monday, September 17, 2007

France: Prepare for war over Iran

Mon September 17, 2007

France Minister Benernard Kouchner warned Sunday that the world should prepare for war if Iran obtains nuclear weapons and said European leaders were thinking their own economic sensations against the Islamic country. Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, speaking on RTL radio, called for "more effective sanctions" against for "more effective sanctions against Iran if it continues to resist the demands to suspend uranium enrichment. Iran currently has the ability to enrich small amounts of uranium for nuclear fuel but still nowhere near enough to power a nuclear plant, less create a weapon.

I think countries like U.S needs to help Iran from struggling with war for peace, because Iran requires helps from other strong countries. Now Iran is struggling in their religions, and people are fighting about it. They have abilities to make a nuclear, so other countries should care about it, because it is dangerous. One nuclear can destroy continents. Most important things is we have to solve this problem without violence, and killings. We already kill enough people from Iraq war, and this is not happen again for our futures.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tsunami warning lifted after 4th quake in Indonesia

Indonesia lifted a tsunami warning issued After another strong earthquake rocked Indonesia Thursday. In 24 hours, four earthquakes have now hit Indonesia, killing least nine people, and sending fleeing to high ground in fear of Tsunamis. The latest tremor struck Sumatra island, in western Indonesia, on Thursday. It was 6.8 in magnitude, according to preliminary reports. Indonesia's meteorology agency initially issued a tsunami warning, but lifted it a few hours later.
Hundred of homes were damaged by the earthquakes, but the death toll has so far remained low. In December 2004 More than 230,000 people in 12 countries were killed by the wave and its aftermath, including 160,000 in western Indonesia.

I think many people could save from a tsunami, because geologist predicted. In December, 2004, it was very horrible, and now in the Would, there are no safe zone.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bin Laden is 'virtually important,' Bush adviser says

Monday, September 10/2007

President Bush's homeland security said Osama bin Laden is "virtually impotent". Frances Townsend siad Osama bin Lande is a man on the in cave who is virually impotent other then his ability to get these message on Sunday on CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer". Townsend also said the U.S is talking the tape "very seriously" and is piecing through if for clues, but the al Qaeda leader is not known to have ever used a tape "to trigger any operational activity".

The video tape recently made by, and bin Laden argues United States to "embrace Islam" as a way to end war in Iraq, but it does not contains no overt threats toward U.S. However in the tape, bin Laden mentioned about his "side" continuing" to escalate the killing and fighting against you. This is our duty and our brothers are carring it out, and I ask God to grant them resolve and victory". Townsend siad analyst are taking care to exmane all the aspects of the tape. Democrats charged the videotape shows Bush took his eye off al Qaeda by invading Iraq.

In my opinion, I hope there no more war between countries, and everyone is living this world peacefully. bin Laden is felt weaker, but anyone doesn't know his inside, so U.S, and other countries should protect their countries. I think any where around safer than others, and I want to live better world, and we have to work on it.