Thursday, October 25, 2007

51% of Afghans feeling good about country's direction: poll

Tuesday, October 18, 2007

A new poll of nearly 1,600 Afghans shows the majority feel safer than they did five years ago, and approve of the direction their country is taking, thanks to the presence of international security forces from countries such as Canada.

Results from the Environics Research poll, conducted in partnership with the CBC, shows 60 per cent of Afghans surveyed believed the presence of the foreign troops has been good for their country. As well, they said they feel their country is headed in the right direction, compared to 28 percent who responded that it’s headed in the wrong direction.

They also said their lives are better than they were five years ago. Citing increased security, as well as better roads and school were built. Some of those who feel they are worse off say they don’t feel safe in the face of continuing violence.

Sending troops is not treating their country, and it is helping their country. Some of the Korean army sent to Afghans to help them to lead right way. My country Korea was same situation in the 1950’s by American help. By U.N., and U.S. helps, we can develop our country. I think Afghans had hard time, and a lot of bad things happen in the Afghans last 5 years, but the country is leading right way for Afghans.

Libya joins UN Security Council

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Libya is a former pariah state condemned by the U.S. as a sponsor of terrorism. They won a seat on the United Nations Security Council Tuesday without opposition from the Bush administration.

They said the United States should have done more to prevent Libya from getting a seat on the UN’s most powerful body.

The U.S decision not to support a rival African country for the seat angered families of victims of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland-some of whom watched the vote in the UN General Assembly from visitors gallery.

Libya was blamed for the Lockerbie bombing as well as a West Berlin disco bombing that killed two Americans soldiers in 1986. The U.S. accused the country of sponsoring terrorist groups from the Irish Republican Army to Palestinian factions and of undermining pro-Western governments in Africa.

Signing Libya into United Nations, I hope some peace also would be bring to World. All the nations should keep peace with other nations together, there no wars, racisms, and killing, or dying. Last few years, there were disaster, people killed by wars, and terror, and now it is time to recover it.

Gore: Nobel Prize win shows climate change a 'planetary emergency'

Friday, October 12, 2007

Former U.S. vice-president, and 2007 Novel Peace Prize winner Al Gore said he will use recognition of winning the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize to “change the world’s consciousness” about the challenges of global warming. He told reporters Friday in Palo Alto, “I will accept this award on behalf of all of three who have been working so long and so hard to try and get the message out about this planetary emergency”

The Norwegian Noble Committee announced the award Friday in Oslo, saying in a written statement that Gore and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have worked tirelessly “to disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change and lay the foundations for the measures that are need to counteract such change.” He will donate his half of the $1.5 million US prize to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a non-profit organization devoted to conveying the urgency of solving the climate crisis. Gore had made headlines as a vocal environmentalist in recent years, spreading the word about climate change through his public lectures, his book and his Academy Award-winning documenrty An Inconvenient Truth.

The former U.S. presidential candidate did not take questions from reporters following his brief statement, which could fuel speculation of a possible 2008 white House run amid several “Draft Gore” campaigns circulating in the Democratic party ranks. I can’t go inside of Gore’s mind, and find out that he is doing for next presidential candidate, or not, but I think this is really important thing to do. Many people knows about danger about the global warming, but anyone didn’t take action to prevent it, but Gore did it. This is why he is getting popular from citizens from U.S, and this would be affect next presidential candidate. Gore is also amazing man that he will spent his prize on environment, and our human future.

Boy's Iranian parents get preliminary OK to stay in Canada

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A pair of Iranian refugee who spent six week in a Texas detention centre with their Canadian born luckily have been granted “approval in principle” to stay in Canada. Following lawyer Andrew Brouwer said the parent of 10 years old Kevin Youdkhani received approval on Monday for permanent resident status based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. The couple lived in Canada for 10 years, during which time they had a child, before being denied refugee status and deported to Iran in December 2005.
After weeks in the holding centre, Kevin sent a letter written in crayon to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, pleading to be allowed to come home.

This news is great news. Canadian governments was nice to allowing Iranian refugee to come to Canada. They are people whose are no place to stay. We should give warm welcome to them. Last 10 years, I think they had hard time. I can understand little bit of their feelings, because I came from Korea. When first time, I came to Canada, I had language problems, missing my country, and especially families. Canada is wonderful country, and many warm mined people are living this country, but for immigrants, it is not easy to them to settle, especially they are refugee. Once again, I think this is wonderful news.

More children's toys recalled for unsafe lead levels

Wednessday, September 26, 2007

The U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission announced on today that more Children toy manufactured in China are being recalled because they contain
unsafe levels of lead.

The Following recall toys in Canada:

-Knights of the Sword toys, distributed by Illinois-based RC2 Corp.
-Happy Giddy Gardening Tools, imported by Minneapolis-based Target.
-Guidecraft Inc. Children's Puppet Theaters, manufactured by N.J.-based Guidecraft Inc.

High amout of lead can really affect human especailly little kids. It can harm the nervous system, kidneys and other major organs. Anemia, a decline in red blood cells, can occur as well as damage to the nervous system that may impair mental function. At wort, it can kill people. On August. 1, Mattel recalled about 1.5 million preschool toys for high lead levels. The company already issued a second, larger recall of more than 18 million toys on Aug. 14.

Think about toys which is harmful, and your childern is playing it. I hope company, and manufacutre should think about kids, and make toys after certain tests. There are possibity that some of the harmful toys alread delievered to childens, and playing dagernous harmful lead which can take childer’s life, so I hope these things would not going to happen in the future. I am also hoping that childern can play safe toys.